For Individuals
Helping You Maximise the Value of Your Personal Income
You’ve worked hard to earn your income whether through self-employment, a successful investment strategy or having worked for another business, and so it is only right that you should seek to maximise its value.
By working with our knowledgeable and experienced tax and accountancy specialists we can help you plan your personal income and investments to ensure the best possible return on your capital in the most tax efficient manner.
Tax will be a constant throughout your working life and we can not only support you as you earn it, whether as a sole trader or through property assets, but also handle the rather more mundane elements of reporting to HMRC on your behalf at the required intervals. With more and more individuals falling under the scope of self-assessment, this annual task can be complicated and time consuming if you manage it yourself. Our helpful and friendly team will take the burden off you and work with you to collate the figures and manage the return process with your agreement.
- Domiciled overseas
- Inheritance tax planning
- Investments
- Personal tax
- Property assets
- Sole traders
- Tax returns
Sadly, the burden of tax does not end with retirement and in many cases all that happens is the form of income changes and you have differing priorities for spending it. But one element that does need some consideration is the long-term planning of your estate from an inheritance perspective and so tax planning equally does not end at retirement, but its form also changes.
We have worked with large numbers of clients to manage their personal income, tax and estate planning for many years, successfully helping them to enjoy more of what they earn and wish to pass on to their heirs. So if you would like help in any of these areas, please contact us today.
Welcome to Haggards Crowther, welcome to the family accountant.