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Barnes Rugby Club Grand Day Out

20th July, 2018

As part of our continuing support of Barnes Rugby Football Club, we were delighted to see the ‘Minis’ and ‘Juniors’ teams enjoying a grand day out at the home of English rugby, Twickenham, on the weekend of 12th May 2018.

Joined on the day by England and Harlequins stars, Danny Care and Fiona Pocock, the teams had an amazing time, practising, touring the stadium and even fitting in a game on the hallowed turf. In total over 400 boys and girls and 1200 mums, dads, grandparents and Barnes supporters were able to enjoy the occasion, many coming away with signed memorabilia and mementos of the day. One member of the team couldn’t find anything for Danny Care to sign and so ended up getting him to sign a tin of adhesive spray form the medical kit! – so watch out for that one on eBay – it is genuinely one of a kind.

As well as giving the younger members of Barnes Rugby Club a day to remember, the rugby extravaganza was raising funds for the team’s nominated charity, the RFU’s Try For Change.

As big rugby fans ourselves, we were pleased to be part of making the event possible. Who knows, it may lead to the emergence of a future England player as a result!